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Showing posts from April, 2021

Sanjeev Singh The mushroom King of Punjab

Can you imagine that a person inspired by some TV program started cultivating mushrooms and started earning crores? Sanjeev Singh , popularly known as Mushroom King of Punjab , was inspired by a program of Doordarshan to start mushroom cultivation from a room sometime and today he is earning crores of rupees every year from this cultivation. It was not so easy for Sanjeev Singh to travel crores with mushroom cultivation. He had to struggle a lot for this. Idea found by watching TV Sanjeev Singh has been cultivating mushrooms since 1992 . The residents of Tanda village in Punjab call him 'Mushroom King'. When Sanjeev Singh was in college, one day he saw the program 'Mera Pind Mera Gaon' coming on Doordarshan's channel . In which mushroom cultivation was being talked about. At that time no one knew much about mushroom cultivation. So Sanjeev Singh got inspired to cultivate mushrooms by watching this program. He enrolled in a one-year course