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वासुदेव बलवंत फड़के( A forgotten Hero )

अगर बात करे भारतीय स्वतंत्रता की क्रांति और उन क्रांतिकारियों की जिनकी वजह से देश को आजादी मिली तो इतिहास की रेत में शायद हज़ारों नाम दबे मिले। पर हम सिर्फ कुछ नामों से ही रु-ब-रु हुए हैं। वैसे तो भारत माँ के इन सभी सपूतों के बारे में जानकारी सहेजने की कोशिश जारी है ताकि आने वाली हर पीढ़ी इनके बलिदान को जान-समझ सके। ऐसा ही एक महान क्रांतिकारी और भारत माँ का सच्चा बेटा था वासुदेव बलवंत फड़के! फड़के ब्रिटिश सरकार के विरुद्ध सशस्त्र विद्रोह का संगठन करने वाले भारत के प्रथम क्रान्तिकारी थे। उनका जन्म 4 नवंबर, 1845 को महाराष्ट्र के रायगड जिले के शिरढोणे गांव में हुआ था।   साल 1857 की क्रांति की विफलता के बाद एक बार फिर भारतीयों में संघर्ष की चिंगारी फड़के ने ही जलाई थी। वासुदेव बलवन्त फड़के बचपन से ही बड़े तेजस्वी और बहादुर बालक थे। उन्हें वनों और पर्वतों में घूमने का बड़ा शौक़ था। कल्याण और पुणे में उनकी शिक्षा पूरी हुई। फड़के के पिता चाहते थे कि वह एक व्यापारी की दुकान पर दस रुपए मासिक वेतन की नौकरी कर लें। लेकिन फड़के ने यह बात

Bhagat Singh

भगत सिंह की बैरक की साफ-सफाई करने वाले भंगी का नाम बोघा था। भगत सिंह उसको बेबे (मां) कहकर बुलाते थे। जब कोई पूछता कि भगत सिंह ये भंगी बोघा तेरी बेबे कैसे हुआ? तब भगत सिंह कहता, मेरा मल-मूत्र या तो मेरी बेबे ने उठाया, या इस भले पुरूष बोघे ने। बोघे में मैं अपनी बेबे (मां) देखता हूं। ये मेरी बेबे ही है। यह कहकर भगत सिंह बोघे को अपनी बाहों में भर लेता। भगत सिंह जी अक्सर बोघा से कहते, बेबे मैं तेरे हाथों की रोटी खाना चाहता हूँ। पर बोघा अपनी जाति को याद करके झिझक जाता और कहता, भगत सिंह तू ऊँची जात का सरदार, और मैं एक अदना सा भंगी, भगतां तू रहने दे, ज़िद न कर। सरदार भगत सिंह भी अपनी ज़िद के पक्के थे, फांसी से कुछ दिन पहले जिद करके उन्होंने बोघे को कहा बेबे अब तो हम चंद दिन के मेहमान हैं, अब तो इच्छा पूरी कर दे! बोघे की आँखों में आंसू बह चले। रोते-रोते उसने खुद अपने हाथों से उस वीर शहीद ए आजम के लिए रोटिया बनाई, और अपने हाथों से ही खिलाई। भगत सिह के मुंह में रोटी का गास डालते ही बोघे की रुलाई फूट पड़ी। ओए भगतां, ओए मेरे शेरा, धन्य है तेरी मां, जिसने तुझे जन्म दिया। भगत

World Youth Skills Day: 5 Indian Young Brain

                World Youth Skills Day:  Know the interesting story of these 5 youths who made their mark with their skills Youth are the backbone of any society. The foundation of a country rests on the shoulders of the youth. The country whose youth is a future youth, that country progresses manifold. Today youth unemployment in developing and backward countries is a matter of great concern. Due to unemployment, the youth have to work in less skilled employment than their capacity. In view of this, on the initiative of Sri Lanka, on 11 November 2014, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate 15 July every year as World Youth Skills Day. After which World Youth Skills Day is celebrated on 15 July all over the world to strengthen the youth. The day is observed to raise awareness about the importance of investing in skill development of youth. Where about 42 crore youth live in India. There are many such young people out there who have made their mark

* How the gurukuls are over * ❓

* How the gurukuls are over * ❓ First of all, tell us what was studied in the gurukul of our Sanatan culture tradition! After Aryavarta's Gurukul, it is necessary to know what was studied in Rishikul. Change your thoughts about this education and clear the prevalent misconceptions! 01 fire science 02 Aerodynamics 03 Navigation 04 Space Science 05 Environment 06 Solar Study 07 Lunar Study 08 Weather Forecast 09 Matter Battery (Battery) 10 Solar Energy 11 day night learning 12 Space Research 13 Astronomy 14 Geography 15 time learning 16 Geology Mining 17 Gems & Metals 18 Gravity 19 Solar Energy 20 Communication 21 Plane 22 Water Vessels 23 Agnayya Astram Vidya (Arms & Ammunition) 24 Zoology Botany 25 Material Sic * It was a matter of scientific knowledge. Now let's talk about professional and technical education! * 26 commerce 27 Agriculture 28 Animal Husbandry 29 Bird Keeping 30 Animal Training 31 mechanics 32 Vehicle Designing 33 Gems 34 Jewe

One Man Crore Trees

This person, known as Peepal Baba, has planted more than 2 crore trees to overcome the lack of oxygen, today people have become aura. In today's time, the whole world has been ravaged by the Corona epidemic . Many people have lost their loved ones due to lack of oxygen. There are more clouds of despair all around. In such a situation, there is also a person who has been doing a great job of planting trees on the earth not only at this time but also for the last 20 years. In order to fulfill the oxygen shortage which the world is struggling with and to keep the earth clean, they are planting trees, following social distancing. Swami Prem Parivartan, 48, who lives in Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delhi, is today known as Peepal Baba. Expressing his love for nature at the age of just 10, he did the planting of saplings. At the same time, he laid the foundation of a larger purpose. B orn in an army in 1966 in Chandigarh , Dr Parvat's first s

Sanjeev Singh The mushroom King of Punjab

Can you imagine that a person inspired by some TV program started cultivating mushrooms and started earning crores? Sanjeev Singh , popularly known as Mushroom King of Punjab , was inspired by a program of Doordarshan to start mushroom cultivation from a room sometime and today he is earning crores of rupees every year from this cultivation. It was not so easy for Sanjeev Singh to travel crores with mushroom cultivation. He had to struggle a lot for this. Idea found by watching TV Sanjeev Singh has been cultivating mushrooms since 1992 . The residents of Tanda village in Punjab call him 'Mushroom King'. When Sanjeev Singh was in college, one day he saw the program 'Mera Pind Mera Gaon' coming on Doordarshan's channel . In which mushroom cultivation was being talked about. At that time no one knew much about mushroom cultivation. So Sanjeev Singh got inspired to cultivate mushrooms by watching this program. He enrolled in a one-year course

Let's Pay Back To Society

A man wearing a torn dhoti and torn shirt arrived at a large hotel with his 15-16 year old daughter. Seeing both of them sitting on a chair, a waiter placed two glasses of clear cold water in front of them and asked - what to bring for you? The man said- "I promised my daughter that if you come first in class 10 in the district , I will feed you a meal in the largest hotel in the city." It fulfilled the promise. Page bring a plate for this. The waiter asked- "What to bring for you?" "He said-" I have only one plate of money. "Hearing the whole thing, the waiter went to the owner and told the whole story and said-" I want to feed both of them a meal. Right now I have no money, so you deduct the bill amount from my salary. "The owner said-" Today we will party the success of this promising daughter on behalf of the hotel. " The hoteliers celebrated a table well with the wedding and very brilliantl