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Short Notes on Lasers(physics)

LASER(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) A laser is a very special source of light and it generates optical radiation utilizing a process called stimulated emission. The basic principles of stimulated emission process were enunciated by Albert Einstein as early as 1917. The first laser  system was designed and fabricated by  Theodore Maiman  in the Hughes Research Laboratories, USA in 1960. This heralded a major revolution in the field of science and technology. Soon laser action was demonstrated in gases, liquids and other optical materials as well as in semiconductors. Today lasers come in all sizes and shapes. Some gives only nanowatts (10-9 watts) of power while others produce several terawatts (1012 watts) of power. Some operate continuously while a few others produce pulses which lasts only for a few femtoseconds (10-15 seconds). Laser is a unique source of light that differs, fundamentally from ordinary sources of light. The light generated by a laser is

Electrical and electronic devices measurement

Home Products Engineering-Notes Sub Item1 Sub Item2 Sub Item3 Sub Item4 Sub Item5 Sub Item6 UPSC-NOTES Sub Item Sub Item About Contact In this article, you will find the study notes on  Measurement & Electrical Quantities-2  which will cover the topics such as  Moving Iron Instrument Working Operation, Radial Vane type & Co-Axial Vane type, Electro-Dynamometer Type Wattmeter, Construction of Electrodynamometer Wattmeter, Rectifier Type Instrument, Factors affecting the Performance of Rectifier type instruments, Advantages of Rectifier Type Instruments & Thermocouple Instrument. Moving Iron Instrument Working Operation The moving iron instruments are classified as: Moving iron attraction type instruments Moving iron repulsion type instruments Attraction Type Instrument