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Showing posts from November, 2020

Village Boy To Billionaire

This is the story of Kerala-born Byju Ravindran , who has given a new dimension to the method of Indian education. He had to face many difficulties in his journey from school teacher to billionaire , but he was determined to do something good and new for the people of his country. Because of his ability, he has become the new billionaire of India from a school teacher. Baiju Rabindran was born in the coastal village of South India in the home of a teacher couple. Ravindran used to spend his childhood playing football more than school, when he returned home after playing tired, he used to sit silently studying. Though Ravindran was very fast in his childhood, he studied engineering, but instead of doing jobs like other people started helping students preparing for the exam. His method of teaching was completely different, students who used to teach children would immediately remember him. Gradually, the number of students in his class grew, at a tim

A Stand alone international University kept burning for more than 5months

It was built by Kumargupta 1 of Gupta Empire in the 5th century A.D. and remained the best without any hindrance for over 800 years with around 10,000 students and nearly 2700 faculties who came from all over the world Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Greater Iran, Persia, Greece, Mongolia and many more. T he University had 10 temples , meditation centers and the greatest library of the world divided into three building-Ratnasagara (nine storeyed building) , Ratnadadhi and Ratnaranjaka; which not only contained religious manuscripts but had a huge collection of books on literature, astrology, philosophy, science, warfare, history, economics, law, geology, maths, architecture, metallurgy, linguistics, astronomy, medicine and many more. And knowledge was imparted on all these subjects virtually. Most renowned departments were Mathematical and Astronomical. . At that point of time, the Library was a very prestigious and renowned repository of

Captain Ram singh The great Mugician

" " Subhash ji told me that the tune of ' Qaumi Tarana' should be so powerful and inspiring that when INA soldiers render the same, it should stir the soul of not only the soldiers but millions of Indians also. On October 31, 1943 , the INA came into power and my orchestra played the Qaumi Tarana. The Cathay Building reverberated thunderously. It was a humble step towards liberating India from the British rule", recalled Captain Ram Singh in a 2002 interview . A soldier who won the King George VI Medal for bravery during the 1937-39 Khyber-Phaktunwala war, Captain Ram Singh Thakuri later became the band master of Subhash Chandra Bose's Indian National Arm y. His songs ' Kadam Kadam Badaye Ja' and 'Quami Tarana' went on to become one of the greatest sources of inspiration for INA soldiers. Yet few Indians know his story. It's time this changed. Capt Ram Singh was born in Bhagsu Khaniara village near Dharamsala