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Showing posts from January, 2021

Let's Pay Back To Society

A man wearing a torn dhoti and torn shirt arrived at a large hotel with his 15-16 year old daughter. Seeing both of them sitting on a chair, a waiter placed two glasses of clear cold water in front of them and asked - what to bring for you? The man said- "I promised my daughter that if you come first in class 10 in the district , I will feed you a meal in the largest hotel in the city." It fulfilled the promise. Page bring a plate for this. The waiter asked- "What to bring for you?" "He said-" I have only one plate of money. "Hearing the whole thing, the waiter went to the owner and told the whole story and said-" I want to feed both of them a meal. Right now I have no money, so you deduct the bill amount from my salary. "The owner said-" Today we will party the success of this promising daughter on behalf of the hotel. " The hoteliers celebrated a table well with the wedding and very brilliantl

Is that UFO or Alien? A Mysterious Lights came Behind the Lighthouse in North Carolina

Is that UFO or Alien? A Mysterious Lights came Behind the Lighthouse in North Carolina In previous day, a light coming from outer space to Earth . And now many people thinking about Alien invasion. And many scientists are thinking about light . Is that meteoroid or UFO ? And that light didn't look like a meteoroid. And now January is like a welcome of  Extraterrestrial organism . A supposedly UFO sighting in North Carolina is now giving rise to alien theories once again. Photographer Wes Snyder shared a video clip with his YouTube channel.  In this video we can clearly see the light came from outer space to our planet. Is that extinction of human species? And any slight evidence of a foreign object is enough to get the internet buzzing.  Recently same light observed in Hawaii . But that light was look a LED kite Also Read |  FM Signal from Jupiter's Moon Ganymede Discovered by Juno Spacecraft! Doesn't Indicate Extraterres