A man wearing a torn dhoti and torn shirt arrived at a large hotel with his 15-16 year old daughter. Seeing both of them sitting on a chair, a waiter placed two glasses of clear cold water in front of them and asked - what to bring for you?
The man said- "I promised my daughter that if you come first in class 10 in the district, I will feed you a meal in the largest hotel in the city."
It fulfilled the promise. Page bring a plate for this. The waiter asked- "What to bring for you?" "He said-" I have only one plate of money. "Hearing the whole thing, the waiter went to the owner and told the whole story and said-" I want to feed both of them a meal. Right now I have no money, so you deduct the bill amount from my salary. "The owner said-" Today we will party the success of this promising daughter on behalf of the hotel. "
The hoteliers celebrated a table well with the wedding and very brilliantly celebrating the success of that poor girl with all the attendees. The owner gifted them a large bag of sweets and a gift for banding throughout the neighborhood. Of. Format pack given by. After receiving so much respect, he went to his house for tears of joy in his eyes.
Time passed and one day the same girl I.A.S. Came to the same city as a collector after passing the examination. He first sent a soldier to the same hotel and said that Collector Sahiba would come to have breakfast. The hotel owner immediately decorated a table well. On hearing this news, the entire hotel was flooded with customers.
The same girl as the collector arrived at the hotel with her parents smiling. Sushi stood up in her honor. The owner of the hotel presented her the bouquet and requested for the order. His girl stood up and told him about the boss and the better. Going forward bowed down and said- "Maybe both of you don't engage me. I am the same girl whose father did not have the money for a plate and you both set a true example of humanity, in the joy of having a wonderful party." Was given and packed sweets for my whole neighborhood.
Today I have become a collector because of both of you. I will always remember you both in favor. Today this party is from my side and I will pay the bill of all the customers and the whole hotel staff. I have honored both of you "Best Citizen". Will be performed on a civic platform.
Education - If there is a poor child in your neighborhood and he have the skills to study, then you should help him. That is why pay the society, respect the talent of any poor children for making their future true
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