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UPSC civil services Preparation Notes

                    STUDY NOTES FOR UPSC 
                     TIMELINE OF INDIA

                Ancient India




2 Million BC to 10,00 BC

2 Million BC to 50,000 BC

50,000 BC to 40,000 BC

40,000 BC to 10,000 BC

Paleolithic Period

Lower Palaeolithic

Middle Palaeolithic

Upper Palaeolithic

Fire was discovered

Tools made of limestones were used. They are found in Chotanagpur plateau and Kurnool district


From 10,000 BC

The Mesolithic Age

Hunters and Herders

Microlith tools were used


7000 BC

The Neolithic age

Food producers

Use of polished tools

Pre-Harappan Phase – 3000 BC

Chalcolithic Age

Use of Copper – first metal

2500 BC

Harappan Phase

Bronze age civilization, development of Urban culture

1500 BC-1000 BC

Early Vedic period

Rig Veda period



Later Vedic period

Growth of 2nd Urban phase with the establishment of Mahajanapadhas

600 BC – 325 BC


16 kingdoms with certain republics established

544 BC – 412 BC

Haryanka Dynasty

Bimbisara, Ajatshatru and Udayin

412 BC – 342 BC

Shisunga Dynasty

Shisunga and Kalashoka

344BC – 323 BC

Nanda Dynasty



563 BC

Birth of Gautama Buddha

Buddhism established

540 BC

Birth of Mahavira

24th Tirthankara of Jainism

518 BC

Persian Invasion



483 BC

1st Buddhist council


383 BC

2nd Buddhist Council


326 BC

Macedonian Invasion

Direct contact between Greek and India

250 BC

3rd Buddhist council


322 BC – 185 BC

322 BC – 298 BC

298 BC – 273 BC

273 BC – 232 BC

232 BC – 185 BC

Mauryan Period

Chandragupta Maurya



Later Mauryans

Political unification of India, Dhamma policy of Ashoka, the growth of Art and architecture

185 BC – 73 BC

Sunga Dynasty

Pushyamitra Sunga

73 BC – 28 BC

Kanva dynasty

Vasudeva founded the dynasty

60 BC – 225 AD

Sathavahana dynasty

Capital at Paithan, MH


2nd BC



1st BC – 4th AD

The Shakas

Rudradaman (130 AD – 150 AD)

1st BC – 1st AD

The Parthians

St Thomas arrived in India during the reign of Gondophernes

1st AD -4th AD

The Kushans

Kanishka (78 AD – 101 AD)

72 AD

4th Buddhist Council


3rd BC – 3rd AD

Sangam age

Convene of Sangam Commune, Rule of Cheras, Cholas and Pandyas

319 AD – 540 AD

319 – 334 AD

335 – 380 AD

380 – 414 AD

415 – 455 AD

455 – 467 AD

The Gupta Age

Chandragupta I


Chandragupta II



319 AD – Gupta Age

The golden age of India

Development of numerous art and literature.

Nagara style of Temple Building

550 AD – 647 AD

Vardhana Dynasty

Harsha (606-647 AD)

Kannauj assembly and Prayag assembly held

Huan-Tsang visited Harsha’s assembly

543 – 755 AD

Chalukyas of Vatapi

Development of Vesera style

575 - 897 AD

Pallavas of Kanchi

Structural temples in Dravida style started to develop


             Medieval India

Early Medieval Period (650 – 1206 AD)




750 – 1150 AD

Rule of the Palas

Capital at Munger, Bihar

752 – 973 AD

The Rasthrakutas

Capital at Malkhed

730 – 1036 AD

The Pratiharas

Ruled western India

712 AD

First Muslim Invasion

Mahmud Bin Qasim invaded India

850 – 1279 AD

The Cholas

Capital at Tanjore, epitome moment for Dravidian Architecture

998 – 1030 AD

First Turk invasion

Mahmud of Ghazni

1175 – 1206 AD

Second Turk invasion

Mahmud of Ghori

1178 – 1192 AD

Prithviraj Chauhan

First battle of Tarain in 1191 between Prithviraj and Mahmud of Ghori

1192, Second battle of Tarain

The Sultanate Period (1206 – 1526 AD)

The Slave Dynasty




1206 – 1210 AD

Qutbuddin Aibak

Known as Lal Bakhsh, began the construction of Qutb Minar

1211 – 1236 AD

Shamsuddin Iltumish

Real founder of Delhi sultanate

1236 – 1240 AD

Razia Sultana

First and only muslim lady who ever ruled India

1240 – 1266 AD

Weak successors


1266 – 1287 AD

Ghiyasuddin Balban

Established Diwan-i-Arz


The Khalji Dynasty




1290 – 1296 AD

Jalaluddin Khalji

Founder of Khalji dynasty

1296 – 1316 AD

Allaudin Khalji

Did many administrative reforms, introduced the Dagh and Chehra system


The Tuglaq dynasty




1320 – 1325 AD

Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq


1325 – 1351 AD


Introduction of administrative reforms and certain ambitious projects

1351 – 1388 AD

Firoz Shah Tuglaq

Built great cities

1398 – 1399 AD

Taimur Invasion

Taimur, the descendant of Chengiz Khan, invaded during the reign of Muhammad Shah Tuglaq

The Sayyid dynasty 1414 – 1451 AD

The Lodhi Dynasty (1451 – 1526 AD)




1451 – 1488 AD

Bahlol Lodhi

Founder of Lodhi dynasty

1489 – 1517 AD

Sikander Lodhi

Founded the city of Agra

1517 – 1526 AD

Ibrahim Lodhi

Babur defeated Lodhi in the first battle of Panipat

Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms

Vijaynagar Kingdom




1336 – 1485 AD

Sangama Dynasty

Founded by Harihara and Bukka

1485 – 1505 AD

Saluva Dynasty

Saluva Narasgima

1505 – 1570 AD

Tuluva Dynasty

Veer Narashima

1509 – 1529 AD

Krishna Deva Raya

A gifted Scholar, contemporary of Babur

1570 – 1650 AD

Aravidu Dynasty

Founded by Tirumala


Bahmani Kingdom




1347 – 1358 AD

Alaudin Hasan Bahman Shah

Founded the Bahmani Kingdom at Gulbarga

1397 – 1422 AD

Tajuddin Firoz Shah


1422 – 1435 AD

Ahmad Shah Wali


Mughal Empire

1526 – 1530 AD


Founder of Mughal empire after the 1st Battle of Panipat

1530 – 1540 AD

1555 – 1556 AD


He was defeated by Sher Shah

1540 – 1555 AD

Sur Empire

Sher Shah defeated Humayun and ruled from 1540-45 AD


2nd Battle of Panipat

Akbar Vs. Hemu

1556 – 1605 AD


Established Din-i-illahi, expanded Mughal empire

1605 – 1627 AD


Captain William Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe visited the Mughal court

1628 -1658 AD


The pinnacle of Mughal empire and art and architecture

1658 – 1707 AD


Beginning of the decline of Mughal empire

1707 – 1857 AD

Later Mughals

Decline and disintegration of Mughal empire with gaining strength of the British

Maratha State and Maratha Confederacy

Maratha state 1674 – 1720 AD




1674 – 1680 AD


Contemporary of Aurangazeb and the biggest challenge for the Mughals in Deccan

1680 – 1689 AD



1689 – 1700 AD



1700 – 1707 AD



1707 – 1749 AD


The rise of Peshwas

1713 – 1720 AD

Balaji Vishwanath

The first Peshwa

Maratha Confederacy 1720 – 1818 AD

1720 – 1740 AD

Baji Rao I


1740 – 1761 AD

Balaji Baji Rao


1761 AD

Third battle of Panipat

Defeat of Marathas by Ahmad Shah Abdali

1761 – 1818 AD

Later successors


Anglo Maratha Wars

1775 – 1782 AD

1st Anglo Maratha War

British were defeated

1803 – 1806 AD

2nd War

Marathas were defeated and they signed the Subsidiary Alliance

1817 – 1818 AD

3rd War

Marathas were decisively defeated


                Modern India





1717 – 1727 AD

Murshid Quli Khan

Capital of Bengal transferred to Murshidabad

1727 – 1739 AD



1739 – 1740 AD

Sarfaraj khan


1740 – 1756 AD

Alivardi Khan


1756 – 1757 AD


Battle of Plassey

1757 – 1760 AD

Mir Jafar


1760 – 1764 AD

Mir Qasim

Battle of Buxar






1761 – 1782 AD

Haider Ali

Establishment of Modern Mysore state

1766 – 1769 AD

1st Anglo – Mysore war

Haider ali defeated the British

1780 – 1784 AD

2nd Anglo – Mysore war

Haider ali was defeated by Sir Eyrecoot

1782 – 1799 AD

Tippu Sultan

Continued the 2nd war

1790 – 1792 AD

3rd Anglo – Mysore war

Tipu ceded half of his territory


4th Anglo – Mysore war

Tipu sultan died



1792 – 1839 AD

Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Founder of Sikh rule

1845 – 1846 AD

1st Anglo – Sikh war

Sikhs were defeated

1848 – 1849 AD

2nd Anglo – Sikh war

Dalhousie annexed Punjab

Advent of Europeans in India


Portuguese East India company

Headquarters at Cochin and Goa


English East India company

Madras, Calcutta and Bombay


Dutch East India company

Pulicat, Nagapattinam


Danish East India company



French East India company


Carnatic wars


1st Anglo-French war

Treaty of Aix-la-chapelle


2nd Anglo-French war

Treaty of Pondicherry


3rd Anglo-French war

Treaty of Paris

Freedom Struggle


First war of Indian independence

Revolt due to socio-religious and economic causes


Formation of Indian National Congress

A O Hume

1885 – 1905

Moderate phase

Dominated by Dadabai Naoroji, Surendranath Banerjea

1905 – 1917

Extremists Phase

Dominated by Lal-Bal-Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh


Bengal Partition

Curzon announced the partition

1905 – 1908

Swadeshi movement

Boycott of foreign products


Muslim league formation



Calcutta Session of INC

Swaraj as the goal


Surat split

Question on extending the movement to the rest of India


Morley – Minto reforms

Separate electorate for Muslims

1915 – 1916

Home rule movement

BG Tilak and Annie Besant


Lucknow pact

Pact between Congress and League


Lucknow session

Extremists admitted in Congress

Gandhian Era

Early life

1893 – 1914

Gandhi in South Africa

Foundation of Natal Indian Congress, Sathyagraha and CDM against British excesses

1915 – 1948

Gandhi in India



Arrived in Bombay. First two years to tour India and not to participate in any political movement



Champaran Campaign

Against the Indigo cultivators



First hunger strike



First non-cooperation movement


Rowlatt Sathyagraha

Against the Rowlatt act and Jallianwala massacre


Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement



Belgaum session

Gandhi elected as Congress president

1930 -34

Civil disobedience movement

Dandi March

Gandhi – Irwin Pact

2nd Roundtable conference

Resuming the Civil disobedience movement


Individual satyagraha



Quit India movement

Do or die

Important Events during this period


Rowlatt act

Gandhi gave a call for Rowlatt satyagraha


Jallianwala Massacre



Khilafat and Non-cooperation movement

Hindu Muslim unity


Chauri Chaura incident

Gandhi called off NCM


Congress Khilafat Swaraj Party

Enter legislative councils


Simon commission

All white commission to review the 1919 act


Nehru committee report

To determine the principles of the constitution


Jinnah’s 14 points



Lahore session

Purna Swaraj


Civil disobedience movement

Dandi March


Gandhi Irwin Pact

To ask Gandhi participate in the 2nd RTC


2nd RTC held in London



Communal award



Poona Pact



Government of India act

Provisional autonomy


18 months rule of Congress begins



World War II begins



Congress ministries resign



August offer

Linlithgow proposed to seek India’s cooperation in the World War


Individual Satyagraha



Cripps mission



Quit India movement



Gandhi’s 21 days fast



C R Formula



Wavell Plan and Shimla Conference



INA Trails



RIN Ratings Mutiny



Cabinet mission plan



Formation of Interim government



Formation of the constituent assembly



Atlee’s announcement



Mountbatten Plan



Indian independence act, 1947


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